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🏢 Longfellow spots to check out at Doors Open this weekend

The citywide festival opens notable buildings for public viewing.

Longfellow Whatever
6 min read
🏢 Longfellow spots to check out at Doors Open this weekend
The Historic Coliseum Building will be on display this weekend as part of the Doors Open Minneapolis festival (📸: Doors Open Minneapolis)

To this newsletter writer, the relatively-new Doors Open Minneapolis festival has come to rival the state fair, May Day parade, and (the unfortunately double-booked this year) Art-A-Whirl for its wow-I-love-living-here-evoking properties.

The two-day festival is part of a worldwide network of events that began in London in the 1990's to open up notable buildings for public viewing. It takes place this weekend, Saturday and Sunday, from 10-5 both days. A few sites require RSVP's but they're all free.

There are more than 100 sites this year, making it impossible to see everything even for the most ambitious and well-planned. Luckily, with seven locations just in Longfellow, there's enough to take up at least a day without leaving the confines of walking distance: